CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
CrossFit Gymnastics Coach
National Academy of Sports Medicine-CPT
Precision Nutrition
I became a part of Elite due to Coach Michael, he and I used to work at Gold's Gym together. He started working with Elite and within a few months he convinced me to come check it out.Coaching/training here at Elite has helped me realize my true potential. As an athlete seeing so many high level veterans come in day after day and crush it lights a fire in me that I could be doing more or be better. As a Coach I've been pushed outside my comfort zone and had to go above and beyond what I thought was capable, in order to be a good Coach I need to be a good Athlete. The standards here at Elite are just that...ELITE! the best of the best and I have to represent that in my teachings and my own skills. In short, "Iron sharpens iron.I think most of my people would assume because of my Crossfit "skills" I would have an athletic background. But I actually have none , zero athletics growing up, no sports. I was a skinny goober up until I was about 20-21, that was the first time I picked up some weights. I "bodybuilt" for 4-5 years, took some time off then started my Crossfit journey in 2019.