What: Partner Fitness Competition!!!
: 12/14/24
Where: Elite CrossFit, 16719 Pawlin Dr Selma TX 78154
Who: Elite CrossFit Members Only
Host: Elite CrossFit 
Fee for Shirt: $30/ Person


Each workout is designed with all Elite members in mind in order to make the event fun and equitable. Every score, every workout and every pair will matter!


Partner Competition: This means two men or two women will partner up for the workouts. You can grab a buddy from either gym and combine your super powers! 

Men v. Women: That’s right, it’s all men pairs against all women pairs. You married couples finally get what you wanted! ? The winning gender will have their own championship banner to hang at each gym! This is your chance to beat up on the men! 

Divisions: One Division for every workout! RX is the stimulus!

Registration: Simply follow the link HERE, to register by purchasing your event shirt. We will be in touch regarding Division and Partner.


Event Schedule (TENTATIVE)
6:00am Event Set Up
7:30am Athlete Briefing IN BACK OF BUILDING
8:00am-12:30pm Workouts
12:45pm Awards

Shelter: It will be cold Saturday morning. Please dress appropriately and plan to group in canopies. Feel free to bring heaters, blankets or whatever you need to stay warm between workouts. We will be providing extension cords and power strips for any electrical needs you may have.

Check-In: Beginning at 6:15am, we will have a table set up for check in where she will confirm versions of workouts athletes will perform and provide athletes with event shirts.

Athlete Briefing: Briefing will be at 7:30am in front of the gym in the street. Please be there or if you feel comfortable with the information, be prepared for the workouts and on time to your heat.

Judging: All athletes will judge others. Each heat will be assigned to judge someone from another heat. You will judge and be judged by the same person for all three workouts. See heat schedule for details.

Media: We will have photographers taking photos and videos. However, we would appreciate as much content from you guys. If you plan to take photos and videos, please tag @elitecrossfit when posting on social media.

Accommodations: We will ask that participants bring their own canopies for outside “shelter”, food and drinks as we will be unable to provide these. There will be two portable restrooms available for all participants. We ask that all traffic from the front of the gym to the back be by way of the outdoor gated side entry.