21:00 TIME CAP
200m Partner run
21/16 cals Bike (P1) + 21/16 cals Row (P2)
200m Partner run
21/16 cals Bike (P2) + 21/16 cals Row (P1)
200m Partner run
15/11 cals Bike (P1) + 15/11 cals Row (P2)
200m Partner run
15/11 cals Bike (P2) + 15/11 calls Row (P1)
200m Partner run
9/7 cals Bike (P1) + 9/7 calls Row (P2)
200m Partner run
9/7 cals Bike (P2) + 9/7 cals Row (P1)
Score is time to completion.
On 6 June 1944 – 'D-Day' – Allied forces launched the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare. Codenamed Operation 'Overlord', the Allied landings on the beaches of Normandy marked the start of a long and costly campaign to liberate north-west Europe from Nazi occupation.
Each pair will run 200m per round, accumulate the appropriate calories for their implement, 21 for men, 16 for women for round one.
The score is time to completion. If a pair does not complete the workout, :01 per calorie and :01 per 10m run will be added to the 21:00 time cap.
Run: The pairs will be required to hold a rope to stay together on the run.
Row: The monitor on the rower must be set to zero at the beginning of the row each round. The Athlete must stay seated on the rower until the monitor reads the appropriate calories.
Bike: The monitor on the bike must be set to zero at the beginning of the row each round. The Athlete must stay seated on the bike until the monitor reads the appropriate calories.
12:00 Running Clock For Max Load
3 Hang Clean
+ 2 Front Squat
+ 1 Shoulder to Overhead
Score is combined load for partners.
The Grand Slam, this 22,000 lb bomb was the largest and most powerful conventional aerial bomb used by either side during the war. It was designed by British Aeronautical Engineer Sir Barnes Wallis, who also created the Bouncing Bomb. The bomb was originally called Tallboy Large until the term Tallboy got into the press and the code name was replaced by "Grand Slam".
The pair will have the 12:00 time to complete the barbell complex. The score is the sum of the largest loads completed by each partner.
Hang Clean: The barbell must begin in the “hang” position (anywhere above the knee). The Athlete must bring the bar to the front rack with elbows in front of the barbell and shoulders. The Athlete must reach full hip/knee extension at the top for all three reps.
Front Squat: The barbell must be held on the shoulders. At the bottom of the squat, the hip crease must pass below the knees. At the top, the hips and knees must be fully extended.
Shoulder to Overhead: The barbell will move from the shoulders to the overhead position with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line.
8:00 AMRAP
(As Many Rounds As Possible)
24 Double Unders
12 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
6 Toes to Bar
48 Singles Unders
12 Dumbells Snatches 35/25
6 Toes to Something
*Partner 1 completes a full round while Partner 2 rests
Score is the total of “Round Points”
The Tuskegee Airmen, a group of African American military pilots who fought in World War II, had the motto "Spit fire". The motto was a reminder to the pilots to be aggressive and tenacious in protecting allied bombers and destroying enemy fighters. The Tuskegee Airmen were also known as "Red Tails" and "Red Tail Angels" because of the distinctive deep red paint on the tails of their fighter planes.
The pair will alternate rounds. Partner one performs a round while partner two rests. The Athletes must commit to a version of the workout each round and may change the selected version each round. Once a round has begun with the completion of one rep, there can be no changes for that round.
The score for the Double Under/ Toe to Bar version is 2 points per completed round. The score for the Single Under/ Toes to Something is 1 point per round. The final score will be the total of completed round points for the pair. These will be referred to as “Round Points”. There will be no score for partial rounds.
Double Unders: The rope passes under the feet twice during a single jump. The rope must spin forward.
Single Unders: The rope passes under the feet once for each jump. The rope must spin forward. Must be a two foot jump.
Dumbbell Snatch: The dumbbell begins on the ground and finishes with the dumbbell directly overhead. At the bottom of the movement, BOTH heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground. The dumbbell must be lifted overhead in one motion. Touch-and-go is permitted.
Toes to Bar: The Athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body even on the last rep.
Toes to Something: Same as T2B except the toes must elevate above the Athlete’s hips crease.